CA, la società di IT che abbiamo già conosciuto in questo sito per la ricerca del 2009 intitolata “CA Web Stress Index” ha presentato in questi giorni il primo interessante studio neurologico sulla reazione dei consumatori a una esperienza online povera”.
Riporto testualmente, dalla pagina dedicata della ricerca:
“The research proves that many consumers experience ‘web stress’ when trying to make an online purchase. The stress levels of volunteers who took part in the study rose significantly when they were confronted with a poor online shopping experience. In order to retain customers, attract new ones and prosper during the economic recovery, CA is calling for European businesses to focus on giving their customers the best possible online experience.
Key factors: CA Calls for European Businesses to Wake Up to ‘Web Stress’ or Risk Losing Customers and Sales
CA partnered with Foviance – a leading customer experience consultancy – to explore ‘web stress’ in relation to application performance, and its impact on consumer behaviour and buying habits.
Brain wave analysis from the experiment revealed that participants had to concentrate up to 50% more when using badly performing websites, while eye tracking, facial muscle and behavioural analysis of the subjects also revealed greater agitation and stress in these periods.
The results of this study sends out a clear message – businesses need to reduce ‘web stress’ and improve the online experience of their customers if they’re going to maximise returns from their web channel.
This experiment simulated the experience of underperforming web applications for our volunteers. The results show that when online expectations aren’t met, people quickly become agitated, confused and have to concentrate 50% more than normal. All these problems can be detected and prevented as long as businesses take a proactive approach to measuring the customer’s experience of web applications.”.
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