Girando sul web alla ricerca di ricerca sul tecnostress ho scoperto “Mendeley“, il social network accademico che con lo slogan “E’ cambiato il modo di fare ricerca!” consente la pubblicazione di ricerche su argomenti specifici e la collaborazione online tra ricercatori.
Una rapida ricerca con il termine ‘Tecnostress’ ha evidenziato la presenza di una ricca bibliografia sul tecnostress che vi propongo qui di seguito, co i link ai documenti originali.
The evolution of technostress
Much Of, What I Found, O U T About in Computers in Libraries (2005) The article focuses on the evolution of technostress. In the early 1980s, Craig Brod, a psychotherapist and consultant on integrating new technologies into the workplace, was one of the first to define technostress.…
Technostress and the Reference Librarian
John Kupersmith in Reference Services Review (1992) – Rapid technological change has become a fact of life in the libraries of the 1990s. While this change touches all parts of the library organization, nowhere is it more visible, or are its effects more keenly felt, than in reference departments.…
Technostress and Library Values.
Michael Gorman in Library Journal (2001) – Discusses information overload and society’s and libraries’ responses to technology. Considers eight values that libraries should focus on and how they relate to technology in libraries: democracy, stewardship, service, intellectual freedom,…
Technostress personality type Virginia Moreland in Online (1993)
The Impact of Technostress on Role Stress and Productivity
Monideepa Tarafdar, Qiang Tu, Bhanu S Ragu-Nathan, T S Ragu-Nathan in Journal of Management Information Systems (2007) -Based on empirical survey data, this paper uses concepts from sociotechnical theory and role theory to explore the effects of stress created by information and computer technology (ICT)-that is, “technostress”-on role stress and on…
Technostress: Technological antecedents and implications
Ramakrishna Ayyagari, Varun Grover, Russell Purvis in MIS Quarterly (2011) – are responsible for increased stress levels in individuals (known as technostress). However, despite the influence of stress on health costs and productivity, it is not very clear which characteristics of ICTs create stress. We…
Computer-related technostress in China
Qiang Tu, Kanliang Wang, Qin Shu in Communications of the ACM (2005) – Technostress has been defined as any negative effect on human attitudes, thoughts, behavior, and psychology that directly or indirectly results from technology 8. With the recent widespread application of IT and the Internet…
Impact of Technostress on End-User Satisfaction and Performance
Monideepa Tarafdar, Qiang Tu, T S Ragu-Nathan in Journal of Management Information Systems (2010) – Organizational use of information and communications technologies (ICT) is increasingly resulting in negative cognitions in individuals, such as information overload and interruptions. Recent literature has encapsulated these cognitions in the…
Overcoming Technostress in Reference Services to Adult Learners
Brian Quinn in The Reference Librarian (2001) – One of the greatest challenges in delivering reference services to adult learners is technostress. This is a common syndrome among adults generally characterized by feelings of discomfort and unease around computers. Adult learners…
Technostress in the Workplace Managing Stress in the Electronic Workplace
Peter E Brillhart in Inform (2004)
Technostress ’’ information technology on library users
Lalitha K Sami, N B Pangannaiah in Group (2006)
Strategic management of technostress. The chaining of Prometheus.
D H Caro, A S Sethi in Journal of Medical Systems (1985) – The article proposes the concept of technostress and makes a strong recommendation for conducting research based on key researchable hypotheses. A conceptual framework of technostress is suggested to provide some…
Koenenn Connie in Star Tribune (1990)
Technostress: old villain in new guise.
The Consequences of Technostress for End Users in Organizations: Conceptual Development and Empirical Validation
Social networking users’ views on technology and the determination of technostress levels
Technostress under different organizational environments: An empirical investigation
The Impact of Technostress on Organisational Commitment among Malaysian Academic Librarians
Technostress” A literature survey on the effect of information technology on library users
Virtual Libraries–Real Threats: Technostress and Virtual Reference
Gender and age in technostress: effects on white collar productivity
V B Elder, E P Gardner, S R Ruth in Government Finance Review (1987)
Managing technostress: optimizing the use of computer technology.
C Brod in The Personnel journal (1982)
What Factors Do Really Influence the Level of Technostress in Organizations ?: An Empirical Study
Chulmo Koo, Yulia Wati in Challenges (2011)
Crossing to the Dark Side: Examining Creators, Outcomes, and Inhibitors of Technostress
Monideepa Tarafdar, Qiang Tu, T S Ragu-Nathan, Bhanu S Ragu-Nathan in Communications of the ACM (2011) – Exploring the factors that may lead to the inability of professionals to adapt or cope with emerging IS in a healthy manner.
Richard A Hudiburg in Psychological Reports (1989) – The Computer Technology Hassles Scale was developed to measure technostress or computer-related stress. The Computer technology Hassles Scale was based on the idea that certain interactions with computer technology are perceived by…
Pandora’ s box revisited ? On information technology, technostress, virtual addiction and the effects of information overload
Roland S Persson in Perspectives on humancomputer interactions A multidisciplinary approach (2001)
A case of autonomic nervous dysfunction caused by technostress who was effectively treated with psychosomatic therapy and long rest from work
E Uchida, F Okajima, H Oike, S Ikuma, M Yamaoka, M Murakami in Sangyo eiseigaku zasshi Journal of occupational health (1997)
Investigating teacher stress when using technology
Mohammed al-Fudail, Harvey Mellar in Computers & Education (2008) – that teachers do suffer stress associated with the use of technology in the classroom (i.e. technostress) (b) the identification of causes, symptoms and coping strategies associated with technostress in the…
A virtual therapeutic environment with user projective agents.
S Y Ookita, H Tokuda in Cyberpsychology and Behavior (2001) – ranging from netaddiction to technostress, as well as online personality disorders and conflicts in multiple identities that exist in the virtual world. Presently, there are no standard therapy models for the virtual environment.…
The incidence of technological stress among baccalaureate nurse educators using technology during course preparation and delivery.
Mary S Burke in Nurse Education Today (2009) – A researcher-developed questionnaire, the nurse educator technostress scale (NETS) was administered to a census sample of 311 baccalaureate nurse educators in Louisiana. Findings revealed that Louisiana baccalaureate nurse…
Technology and the Family: An Overview From the 1980s to the Present
Lynn Blinn-Pike in Marriage Family Review (2009) – technostress, a modern disease affecting individuals who were unable to use new computers in a healthy way, in 1984. It also discusses the social and psychological impact of the Internet and implication of two-way interaction in…
The evolving psychology of online use: from computerphobia to Internet addiction
Brian Quinn, Martha E Williams in Proceedings of the National Online Meeting (2000) – and technostress, to the emergence of the Web and more recent psychological adaptations-including obsessive compulsive disorders, addiction, and surrogate companionship. The reasons for this transformation-both technological and…
Technostressed out? How to cope in the digital age.
Katie Clark, Sally Kalin in Library Journal (1996)
Psychosomatic aspects of stress
Fatores de risco do tecnoestresse em trabalhadores que utilizam tecnologias de informação e comunicação – Mary Sandra Carlotto in Estudos de Psicologia (2010)