Tecnostress e Technostress: ultime ricerche internazionali


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Ricordo che ho già realizzato due diversi post (ecco i link al primo e al secondo) relativi alle ricerche internazionali  in tema di tecnostress, ai quali potete fare riferimento.

The Double-Edged Nature of Technostress on Work Performance: A Research Model and Research Agenda
Chun Fong Lei, Department of Management and Marketing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
EWT Ngai, Department of Management and Marketing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Abstract: This research agenda is the first step toward the adaptation of transactional theory of stress (TTS) into the technostress context, which aims to fill the research gaps in the technostress literature. A research model is developed based on TTS. In the model, we assume technostress to be neutral, and its effects on a person’s workplace outcomes depend on the appraisal on technostress. The positive appraisal on technostress, that is, technostress challenge appraisal will generally lead to positive outcomes, whereas the negative appraisal on technostress, that is, technostress threat appraisal will generally lead to negative outcomes. Although technostress is neutral in a holistic perspective, different types of technostress would be appraised differently. Therefore, the model also predicts how different types of technostress would be appraised. A three-phase agenda is proposed to validate the model. At the end, we highlight the theoretical and practical implications, as well as opportunities for future studies.

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Technostress: negative effect on performance and possible mitigations
Monideepa Tarafdar – Professor of Information Systems, Management Science Department, Lancaster University Management School, Lancaster, UK
Ellen Bolman. Pullins – Schmidt Research Professor of Sales, Marketing and International Business, College of Business and Innovation, The University of Toledo, Toledo, OH, USA
T. S. Ragu-Nathan – Professor of Information Systems, Information, Operations and Technology Management, College of Business and Innovation, The University of Toledo, Toledo, OH, USA

Abstract: We investigate the effect of conditions that create technostress, on technology-enabled innovation, technology-enabled performance and overall performance. We further look at the role of technology self-efficacy, organizational mechanisms that inhibit technostress and technology competence as possible mitigations to the effects of technostress creators. Our findings show a negative association between technostress creators and performance. We find that, while traditional effort-based mechanisms such as building technology competence reduce the impact of technostress creators on technology-enabled innovation and performance, more empowering mechanisms such as developing technology self-efficacy and information systems (IS) literacy enhancement and involvement in IS initiatives are required to counter the decrease in overall performance because of technostress creators. Noting that the professional sales context offers increasingly high expectations for technology-enabled performance in an inherently interpersonal-oriented and relationship-oriented environment with regard to overall performance, and high failure rates for IS acceptance/use, the study uses survey data collected from 237 institutional sales professionals.

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The Consequences of Technostress for End Users in Organizations: Conceptual Development and Empirical Validation
T. S. Ragu-Nathan, Monideepa Tarafdar, Bhanu S. Ragu-Nathan College of Business Administration, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio 43606
Qiang Tu, College of Business, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York 14623

The research reported in this paper studies the phenomenon of technostress, that is, stress experienced by end users of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), and examines its influence on their job satisfaction, commitment to the organization, and intention to stay. Drawing from the Transaction-Based Model of stress and prior research on the effects of ICTs on end users, we first conceptually build a nomological net for technostress to understand the influence of technostress on three variables relating to end users of ICTs: job sat- isfaction, and organizational and continuance commitment. Because there are no prior instruments to measure constructs related to technostress, we develop and empirically validate two second order constructs: technostress creators (i.e., factors that create stress from the use of ICTs) and technostress inhibitors (i.e., organizational mecha- nisms that reduce stress from the use of ICTs). We test our conceptual model using data from the responses of 608 end users of ICTs from multiple organizations to a survey questionnaire. Our results, based on structural equation modeling (SEM), show that technostress creators decrease job satisfaction, leading to decreased organi- zational and continuance commitment, while Technostress inhibitors increase job satisfaction and organizational and continuance commitment. We also find that age, gender, education, and computer confidence influence technostress. The implications of these results and future research directions are discussed.

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The dark side of smartphone usage: Psychological traits, compulsive behavior and technostress
Yu-Kang Lee, Chun-Tuan Chang, You Lin, Zhao-Hong Cheng
National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan

Abstract: Smartphones have become necessities in people’ lives. Along with its obvious benefits, however, the smartphone has other effects that are not all that glorious. This study investigates the dark side of the smartphone trend. We examine the link between psychological traits and the compulsive behaviors of smartphone users, and look further into the stress caused by those compulsive behaviors. We conducted an empirical study consisting of 325 participants and compared Structural Equation Modeling with competing models. The results suggest that compulsive usage of smartphone and technostress are positively related to psychological traits including locus of control, social interaction anxiety, materialism and the need for touch. Gender differences are also found in the aforementioned relationships. The results have practical implications to user-oriented smartphone design and operation companies as well as government agencies as they combat the social ills brought on by smartphones.

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Examining impacts of technostress on the professional salesperson’s behavioural performance
Monideepa Tarafdara, Ellen Bolman Pullinsa & T.S. Ragu-Nathana

Abstract: This paper examines the concept of technostress in the professional sales area and shows it to be a possible reason for low technology-enabled behavioural performance of professionals in the sales function. Integrating literature from sales, technostress and social cognitive theory, we examine relationships between technostress creators, role stress, technology-enabled innovation and technology-enabled performance. We hypothesize that technostress adversely affects the technology-enabled performance of the salesperson through two distinct paths, one by increasing role stress and two, by decreasing technology-enabled innovation. We further examine the role of factors that mitigate these adverse effects. We find that organizational technostress-inhibiting mechanisms negatively moderate the positive relationship between technostress creators and role stress, and technology self-efficacy dampens the negative association of technostress and technology-enabled innovation. We also find that technology-enabled innovation enhances technology-enabled performance. Our results are based on survey data collected from 237 institutional sales professionals. Theoretical contributions and practice-based implications of findings are discussed.

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The effects of technostress within the context of employee use of ICT
Anna Mette Fuglsetha – NHH Norwegian School of Economics, Helleveien 30, NO-5045 Bergen, NorwayØystein Sørebøb – Buskerud University College, School of Business Administration and Social Sciences, Postboks 164 Sentrum, NO-3502 Hønefoss, Norway

Abstract: The main purpose of the present study is to help managers cope with the negative effects of technostress on employee use of ICT. Drawing on transaction theory of stress (Cooper, Dewe, & O’Driscoll, 2001) and information systems (IS) continuance theory (Bhattacherjee, 2001) we investigate the effects of technostress on employee intentions to extend the use of ICT at work. Our results show that factors that create and inhibit technostress affect both employee satisfaction with the use of ICT and employee intentions to extend the use of ICT. Our findings have important implications for the management of technostress with regard to both individual stress levels and organizational performance. A key implication of our research is that managers should implement strategies for coping with technostress through the theoretical concept of technostress inhibitors.

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NeuroIS—Alternative or Complement to Existing Methods? Illustrating the Holistic Effects of Neuroscience and Self-Reported Data in the Context of Technostress Research
Stefan Tams – HEC Montréal stefan.tams@hec.ca
Kevin Hill – HEC Montréal kevin.hill@hec.ca
Ana Ortiz de Guinea – HEC Montréal ana.ortiz-de-guinea@hec.ca
Jason Thatcher – Clemson University JTHATCH@clemson.edu
Varun Grover – Clemson University VGROVER@clemson.edu

Abstract: Recent research has made a strong case for the importance of NeuroIS methods for IS research. It has suggested that NeuroIS contributes to an improved explanation and prediction of IS phenomena. Yet, such research is unclear on the source of this improvement; while some studies indicate that NeuroIS constitutes an alternative to psychometrics, implying that the two methods assess the same dimension of an underlying IS construct, other studies indicate that NeuroIS constitutes a complement to psychometrics, implying that the two methods assess different dimensions of an IS construct. To clarify the role of NeuroIS in IS research and its contribution to IS research, in this study, we examine whether NeuroIS and psychometrics/psychological methods constitute alternatives or complements. We conduct this examination in the context of technostress, an emerging IS phenomenon to which both methods are relevant. We use the triangulation approach to explore the relationship between physiological and psychological/self-reported data. Using this approach, we argue that both kinds of data tap into different aspects of technostress and that, together, they can yield a more complete or holistic understanding of the impact of technostress on a theoretically-related outcome, rendering them complements. Then, we test this proposition empirically by probing the correlation between a psychological and a physiological measure of technostress in combination with an examination of their incremental validity in explaining performance on a computer-based task. The results show that the physiological stress measure (salivary alpha-amylase) explains and predicts variance in performance on the computer-based task over and above the prediction afforded by the self-reported stress measure. We conclude that NeuroIS is a critical complement to IS research.

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The sources and Conseguences of Mobile Technostress in the workplace
Pengzhen Yin, USTC-CityU Joint Advanced Research Center, University of Science and Technology, City University of Hong Kong, 83 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
Robert M. Davison, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Yiyang Bian, USTC-CityU Joint Advanced Research Center, University of Science and Technology, City University of Hong Kong, 83 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
Ji Wu, USTC-CityU Joint Advanced Research Center, University of Science and Technology, City University of Hong Kong, 83 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong
Liang Liang, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, China

Abstract: In this study, we explore the phenomenon of mobile technostress: stress experienced by users of mobile information and communication technologies. We examine the impacts of mobile technostress on individuals’ job satisfaction. Based on the Transaction Based Model of stress and the existing literature on technostress, a conceptual model was proposed to understand this phenomenon. Two sources of mobile technostress have been identified: techno-overload and techno-insecurity. We hypothesize that techno-overload and techno-insecurity exert a negative impact on job satisfaction. The individual level mobile technostress inhibitors (i.e., self-efficacy) are identified as helping individuals reduce stress. We also hypothesize that self-efficacy has a positive impact on job satisfaction. Furthermore, the moderator effects of habit are also explored. We hypothesize that habit will negatively moderate the relationship between mobile technostress creators and job satisfaction, and positively moderate the relationship between mobile technostress inhibitors and job satisfaction. The methodological design as well as potential theoretical and practical implications has also been discussed.

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The Antecedents and Impacts of Mobile Technostress in the Workplace Research-in-Progress
Yin Pengzhen – USTC-CityU Joint Advanced Research Center – University of Science and Technology of China
Hu Xi – USTC-CityU Joint Advanced Research Center- University of Science and Technology of China

Abstract: The prevalence of mobile information and communication technologies (MICTs) has aroused widespread concern from both practitioners and academics. Organizations have benefitted a lot from the increasing improvements to work efficiency and effectiveness by the use of MICTs. Simultaneously, MICTs also bring some unexpected negative consequences, such as technostress, which have also gradually become a serious issue in organizations. Although researchers have explored the effect of mobile technostress, it is still not well understood that how and which characteristics of mobile technologies result in technostress. In this study we propose a conceptual model to investigate the underlying mechanisms of the overall process of mobile technostress. The proposed research model identifies three mobile technology characteristics: presenteeism, invisibility and compatibility. Based on the person-environment fit model, we analyze the relationship between mobile technology characteristics and mobile technostress creators, i.e., techno-overload and techno-insecurity. We further explore the impact of mobile technostress creators on individual job satisfaction. Finally, the initial methodology design is illustrated. The contribution and potential implications of the study are also discussed.

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Does the proactive personality mitigate the adverse effect of technostress on productivity in the mobile environment?
Wei-Hsi Hunga – Department of Information Management, Advanced Institute of Manufacturing with High-Tech Innovations (AIM-HI), National Chung Cheng University, 168 University Rd., Min-Hsiung, Chia-Yi, Taiwan, ROCKuanchin Chenc – Department of Information Management, National Chung Cheng University, 168 University Rd., Min-Hsiung, Chia-Yi, Taiwan, ROC
Chieh-Pin Linb – Department of Business Information Systems, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5412, United States

Abstract: Reliance on mobile phones as the major communication medium in our lives has become pervasive in recent years. This study extends existing technostress theory by looking at the effect of two stress sources (techno-overload and communication overload) and the accessibility on productivity of mobile phone users. Two dimensions of the proactive personality were part of the extension to examine how such a personality mitigates the effect on stress. The results show that techno-overload was more of an “enhancer” to one’s productivity, rather than what was found in some other studies. Communication overload lowered one’s level of productivity, but its effect was lessened by the presence of one form of the proactive personality – the ability to confront situations. Managerial implications relating to these findings are provided.

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Technostress in the office: a distributed cognition perspective on human–technology interaction
Charlott Sellberg e Tarja Susi

Abstract: Technology is a mobile and integral part of many work places, and computers and other information and communication technology have made many users’ work life easier, but technology can also contribute to problems in the cognitive work environment and, over time, create technostress. Much previous research on technostress has focused on the use of digital technology and its effects, measured by questionnaires, but in order to further examine how technostress arises in the modern workplace, a wider perspective on interactions between people and technology is needed. This paper applies a distributed cognition perspective to human–technology interaction, investigated through an observational field study. Distributed cognition focuses on the organisation of cognitive systems, and technostress in this perspective becomes an emergent phenomenon within a complex and dynamic socio-technical system. A well-established questionnaire was also used (for a limited sample), to gain a frame of reference for the results from the qualitative part of the study. The implications are that common questionnaire-based approaches very well can and should be complemented with a broader perspective to study causes of technostress. Based on the present study, a redefinition of technostress is also proposed.

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Technostress: The Dark Side of Technologies
Marisa Salanova, Susana Llorens, Mercedes Ventura

We define technostress as a negative psychological response to the use (and abuse) of technologies, as well as the harmful effects of the implementation of technologies within the workplace. However, despite the relevance of technostress in modern societies, research on the subject is scarce, and so the aim of this chapter is to provide an overview of technostress research that has been recently conducted. In particular, first, we focus on the two most important ways of experiencing technostress, namely, technostrain and technoaddiction. Second, we describe the antecedents of technostress, with attention given to the specific technological demands and the lack of both job and personal resources. Moreover, we also highlight the physiological, psychosocial, organizational, and societal consequences of technostress. Third, the assessment of technostress using the RED Technostress questionnaire is described. Finally, we address the main strategies employed in the prevention and intervention of technostress based on the social and the technical organizational systems.

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The Impact of Smart Device Usability on individual Technostress
Michael King

Abstract: This study investigated if certain aspects of smart devices are causing Technostress to individuals. It also investigated what the current Technostress levels are using the General attitudes towards computers scale, in order to compare the results with the original Rosen & Weil (1995) study. The methodology chosen was an online survey, in order to get individuals thoughts and opinions on both smart device and computer stress. The results analysed from 180 participants showed that 91% of participants had some form of Technostress, with 52% showing moderate-high levels of Technostress. The knowledge gained from the literature review research would suggest that this is because of an increased over-reliance on computers. The research also showed that age range was an important factor in Technostress with the highest levels of low stress being present in the 0-18 age range and the highest levels of moderate-high stress being present in 19-30 age range. The research on stress suggested that this is due to how the age ranges use technology and also the psychological development of the age range. The smart device results showed that 80% of participants had some form of stress with the newly proposed smart device usability scale, with battery life, content creation and errors are all key stressors present in smart devices, showing low usability ratings in the key usability components. Over 60% of people agree to sending texts without proofreading and over 50% agree that they send texts that Autocorrect have changed. It raised the question, is it Autocorrects fault or Human error? Over 75% of people agree that they use their smartphone for more than just calls and texts. Since over a third of people charge their smart device more than once a day, it shows that battery technology needs to improve since these devices are being relied on more for daily tasks and interactions. Finally 80% of people state that they prefer creating content on their computer rather than their smart device, with over 50% of people stating that they find it difficult to create documents on smart devices. With suppliers focusing more on tablets instead of computers, and companies increasing tablet use through the bring your own device (BYOD) scheme, is this going to increase the stress levels of individuals until tablet technology is improved?

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Moderating Effect of Technostress Inhibitors on the Relationship between Technostress Creators and Organisational Commitment
Ungku Norulkamar Ungku Ahmad, Salmiah Mohamad Amin, Wan Khairuzzaman Wan Ismail

Abstract: This study aims to examine the moderating effect of technostress inhibitors on the relationship between technostress creators and organisational commitment among academic librarians in the Malaysian public universities. It considers how literacy facilitation, technical support, and involvement facilitation influence the strength of the relationship between technostress creators and organisational commitment. Multiple regression analysis and hierarchical multiple regression analysis were utilised to test the relationship and the moderating effect among the variables. The findings revealed that collectively, technostress creators significantly explained 13.1 percent of the variance in organisational commitment.  Techno-overload and techno-uncertainty were found to have significant positive relationship with organisational commitment. As for the moderating effect, both literacy facilitation and involvement facilitation did not act as moderator in the relationship between technostress creators and organisational commitment. Nevertheless, technical support was found to moderate the relationship between techno-overload and organisational commitment. All the technostress inhibitors were, however, found to be significant predictors for organisational commitment. This study demonstrates that a certain amount of stress is essential in enhancing employee’s commitment towards organisation. Moreover, it reveals that the existence of literacy facilitation, technical support, and involvement facilitation is crucial in boosting organisational commitment of academic librarians in the Malaysian public universities.

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TechnoStress and 3rd Party TechnoStress
Youssef Gamgoum

Abstract: This study investigated if the advances in technology in recent years have increased or decreased the levels of technostress that users have. This study also explores an original concept known as 3rd party technostress, which shows the levels of stress technology causes not to the users but to the people around the users. To fairly compare levels of technostress over time, the GATCS (General Attitudes Towards Computer Scale) questionnaire from Rosen and Weil’s (1995) original study will be used and a comparison of their results and this studies’ results will be completed. An original set of questions will also be sent to determine the levels of 3rd party technostress and also the levels of technology addiction the participants have. The results from these question sets will show if there is any correlation between technostress and technology addicts. The researcher received 102 completed questionnaires, which gave a good sample for this study to be based on. From the data, it was clear that although technostress is still a major concern, with 44% of people showing signs of technostress, a bigger issue is the fact that 81% of participants showed some levels of 3rd party technostress. 3rd party technostress can have a huge impact on friendships and relationships. This study concluded, that with the rapid advancements in technology over the recent years, many more people have been engrossed in using the technology even during socially unacceptable times, which can upset people around them. Overusing technology may be an addiction that has to be acknowledged and managed by the user. As this is an original topic, much more research needs to be undertaken to fully understand 3rd party technostress.

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