Frugando in rete in questi gorni di fine estate ho trovato questa bella ricerca “Exploring Technostress: Results of a Large Sample Factor Analysis” di Steponas Jonušauskas (Business Management School Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania) e Agota Giedre Raisiene (Faculty of Politics and Management, Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania).
La ricerca, progettata sulla base dell’analisi fattoriale, è stata svolta su di un campione composto da 1013 individui che fanno uso di ICT nel loro lavoro quotidiano, con un questionario di 68 domande finalizzate a identificare cause e conseguenze del tecnostress.
L’approfondita costruzione delle domande. suddivise in elementi chiave del tecnostress, possono essere utili a coloro che vogliono progettare modelli di valutazione e/o scale di misurazione del tecnostress.
Exploring Technostress: Results of a Large Sample Factor Analysis
Steponas Jonušauskas, Agota Giedre Raisiene
With reference to the results of a large sample factor analysis, the article aims to propose the frame examining technostress in a population.
The survey and principal component analysis of the sample consisting of 1013 individuals who use ICT in their everyday work was implemented in the research. 13 factors combine 68 questions and explain 59.13 per cent of the answers dispersion.
Based on the factor analysis, questionnaire was reframed and prepared to reasonably analyze the respondents’ answers, revealing technostress causes and consequences as well as technostress prevalence in the population in a statistically validated pattern.
A key elements of technostress based on factor analysis can serve for the construction of technostress measurement scales in further research.
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